
A giant planet was raining iron rain that devoured a small planet

You may have heard or read about black holes devouring planets and stars. But if there is a case where one planet devours another, you will believe it. Scientists have found evidence of this process of one planet devouring another.

You may think that this summer is hot. But even the hottest time on Earth will not reach the temperature of WASP-76 b.

The surface temperature of WASP-76 b is as hot as 2,400 degrees Celsius. This temperature is hot enough to not only melt the iron but also vaporize it.

Astronomers are quite interested in such a hot planet. Therefore, many astronomers have studied this planet.

In this study, they were able to identify 11 types of elements floating in the planet’s atmosphere. And they were able to calculate the ratio of these elements.

Astronomers noticed some strange things in this calculation. This is because some of the elements found in the atmosphere of this hot planet are elements that cannot be found even on Jupiter and Saturn, the gas giants of the solar system.

The hot planet WASP-76 b is 634 light-years away from Earth. This means that the light from this planet will take 634 years to reach the Earth. Light can travel up to 300,000 kilometers per second, so you can imagine how far it travels.

Why is this hot planet so hot? Mainly because this planet is very close to its parent planet. It’s only 1/12th the distance from the Sun to Mercury, the closest planet in the Solar System.ecause of this closeness, the intense heat of the Sun falls on the planet.

This hot planet takes only 1.8 Earth days to orbit its parent star in one week. Its mass is only about 85% that of Jupiter, but it is about twice the diameter of Jupiter and about six times more massive. This happens because the radio radiation from the Sun causes the planet, which is made up of gases, to explode.

One side of this planet always faces the sun, and the other side always falls on the opposite side of the Sun. Therefore, the side of the surface that always falls during the day is very hot, so the iron evaporates. When this iron vapor reaches the night side, it cools down, so it liquefies and rains down as iron rain.

The most surprising thing is that so many nickels were found. Nickel is an element found only on terrestrial planets and is not commonly found on gas giants.

Scientists believe that the discovery of such a large number of nickels is due to the fact that the planet WASP-76 b devoured a small terrestrial planet some time ago. Experts estimate that the age of this destroyed planet will be about the same as that of Mercury.

Astronomers are not satisfied with this discovery. They are preparing to continue studying WASP-76 b and similar planets.