
Scientists discover that time was five times slower in the early universe

It has been discovered that time flows more slowly in quasars in the early universe. This was predicted by Einstein. According to his General Theory of Relativity, time flows more slowly near objects with greater gravity. When this fact is combined with the fact of cosmic expansion, the answer is that time in the early […]


Discovery of the background gravitational waves of the universe

According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, when black holes collide, strong gravitational waves are produced. The existence of these gravitational waves has been captured by the LIGO gravitational wave detector and shown. Scientists have now discovered the gravitational waves underlying the universe. The waves of this background gravitational wave are too far apart to be […]


A giant planet was raining iron rain that devoured a small planet

You may have heard or read about black holes devouring planets and stars. But if there is a case where one planet devours another, you will believe it. Scientists have found evidence of this process of one planet devouring another. You may think that this summer is hot. But even the hottest time on Earth […]


Is the universe inside a black hole?

If you look up at the night sky, you will see countless stars in the Mickey Way Galaxy. If you look with a powerful telescope, you can see not only the stars but also the galaxies outside the Milky Way Galaxy. But what lies at the end of these galaxies? In other words, what will […]


Sunrise and sunset on Mars

NASA has released a photo showing Mars’s morning sunrise, dawn, and evening dusk. The photo was taken by the Curiosity rover, which is currently exploring Mars. The big valley you see in this picture is the one named Marker Band Valley. This valley is a valley formed in the Gale Crater crater, which has been […]


James Webb has discovered the first 717 galaxies in the universe

The James Webb Space Telescope, which began operating last year, has discovered 717 galaxies believed to be the first in the universe in less than a year. These first-generation galaxies, which were born about 600 million years after the Big Bang, have complex structures and star clusters, according to a new research paper. This research […]