
A technology that will detect the interior of the room by injecting a laser into the keyhole

In the past two years, we have successfully developed a method that uses lasers to detect movement behind shielding barriers. Using this method, they are able to detect not only the location of objects behind barriers but also the movements of these objects. It is still in the research stage, but in the near future, […]


A nano robot that helps sperm swim

A sperm’s job for fertilization is not very difficult. His job is to swim quickly to the egg and fuse with it, right? But some people have a condition where the sperm cannot swim well. In such cases, the sperm is no longer able to combine with the egg, and the child cannot be born. […]


Evidence that humans used fire 1 million years ago was discovered by artificial intelligence

Scientists have presented a process that provides evidence that humans started using fire about 1 million years ago through artificial intelligence. In the current process, Israeli archaeologists have been able to identify a 1 million-year-old base area where ancient humans lived within the country of Israel using AI. If we can use this technology to […]


How high can airplanes fly?

They will soon see white smoke coming from the jet plane flying in the sky. Have you ever wondered how high these jets are flying? Have you ever been speechless when your child asked how high the plane was flying? So, after this article, if you are asked this question again, you will have an […]


We will visit the frontier of space in a hot air balloon

What has become popular nowadays is the business of visiting space. However, it costs millions of dollars to visit this space as a tourist, so even the wealthy cannot afford it. Now, some companies are preparing to launch hot air travel to the interstellar region. These companies will transport tourists using large luxury balloons into […]


It was found that the AI doctor could predict the patient’s condition more accurately

(Artificial intelligence) It has been proven that artificial intelligence is very useful in medical treatment. In addition to being able to correctly read computerized tomography (CT) results using AI, it was also able to show that it has the ability to successfully pass the medical licensing exam that every doctor in the United States has […]