
Is the universe inside a black hole?

If you look up at the night sky, you will see countless stars in the Mickey Way Galaxy. If you look with a powerful telescope, you can see not only the stars but also the galaxies outside the Milky Way Galaxy.

But what lies at the end of these galaxies? In other words, what will be at the end of the universe? After all these galaxies are gone, will there be other surprises? For example, our entire universe exists inside a black hole.

Black holes are regions of very high gravity formed from very high mass and very dense matter. This gravity is too much, so they make the space and time around them distorted and twisted. The pull is so strong that even light is unable to escape.

At some point in the past, our world fell into a black hole, and at present, we all continue to survive inside this black hole. Is it not possible?

University of Rhode Island black hole expert physicist Gaurav Khanna said that if such a black hole were to swallow the world, the gravity cycle it would face would be very, very strong, so it would have experienced dire results.

If the Earth were to get close to the black hole due to the gravity of the black hole, the time of the people on the earth would slow down. And depending on the size of the black hole, the world will be stretched like a noodle.

Let’s say that he has entered the abyss because he can bear these punishments. The world will enter the Singularity at the center of the black hole. At this time, due to the intense pressure and temperature occurring near the Singularity, the world will burn to ashes.

So we can forget about the idea that the Earth was swallowed by a black hole at some point in the past, explains Gaurav Khanna.

But there is another way the world could be inside a black hole. This is because the entire universe, including Earth, was born inside a black hole.

The singularity at the center of a black hole is like the Big Bang. It’s similar to what happens when the universe goes back in time.

While the Big Bang came out flat from a point of origin, a black hole converges from a flat point to a place. So these two are inverses of each other.

No one knows how the Big Bang started. One theory is that the Big Bang was born from the singularity of a black hole in a universe larger than itself. If this theory were true, our universe would exist inside a black hole in a larger universe.

This theory is called Schwarzschild cosmology. According to this theory, the universes are overlapping one another, and many universes can exist within one universe. (There are many black holes in the universe, so inside these black holes there are many more universes.)

Also, if we go into the black hole, the question arises whether we will go into the universe from this black hole. No one can answer this question.

But one sure thing is that this theory will never be proven. Why is it impossible for a scientist who has crossed the black hole’s event horizon to return to this side and report back on his findings?

But if our universe were inside a black hole, it would be a very large black hole. If it was only a small black hole, we would notice the gravitational effect of this black hole. So far, scientists have not found this unique gravitational effect, so we can say that the size of the black hole we exist in would be very, very large.

For those who are in this black hole, there is a universe outside of this black hole. Alternatively, scientists point out that there is no way to know if there is another universe outside of our own.