Evidence that humans used fire 1 million years ago was discovered by artificial intelligence

Scientists have presented a process that provides evidence that humans started using fire about 1 million years ago through artificial intelligence.

In the current process, Israeli archaeologists have been able to identify a 1 million-year-old base area where ancient humans lived within the country of Israel using AI.

If we can use this technology to find evidence of the use of fire in other ancient human settlements, we will be able to learn more about how early humans started using fire.

Most scholars today agree that the discovery of fire by humans is the most important discovery in human history.

In other words, the advanced technology we have today began when humans discovered how to use fire.

At present, ancient researchers have been able to identify some methods for finding evidence that ancient humans used fire.

For example, evidence of how ancient humans cooked and ate can be obtained from the remains of bones discolored by fire. That is, Stone Age weapons were bent by fire at a temperature of more than 450 degrees Celsius. If there is something picked up, it can be seen that there was use of fire.

So far, we have not found any evidence that humans used fire earlier than 500,000 years ago.

Last year, archaeologists and artificial intelligence experts in Israel taught an AI the changes caused by fire at temperatures between 200 and 300 degrees Celsius. These changes are so subtle that they are not easily detected by ordinary humans.

To train this AI, the researchers collected small pieces of rock from non-archaeological sites around Israel. These small pieces of stone are first heated between 200 and 300 degrees.

After this, I show AI the photos taken under UV light before heating the stones and the photos taken under UV light after heating. This time, the AI was able to gradually learn the difference between these images.