How high can airplanes fly?

They will soon see white smoke coming from the jet plane flying in the sky. Have you ever wondered how high these jets are flying?

Have you ever been speechless when your child asked how high the plane was flying? So, after this article, if you are asked this question again, you will have an answer ready.

It is obvious that the height of a plane flying with smoke in the sky is thousands of feet above the earth’s surface. But how high?

The altitude at which passenger jets fly is not consistent. The type of this plane, weight, including people and goods It depends a lot on the temperature of the surrounding air and weather conditions.

In addition, they must follow the instructions and regulations of the air traffic control of the relevant airspace that the plane is flying through. Also, it depends on where the plane is heading.

John Cox, a retired pilot who has flown passenger jets and now founded Safety Operating Systems, explains, “Generally, passenger planes fly at about 35,000 feet.”

“Sometimes they fly up to 41,000 or 40,000 feet. But flying at this height is quite rare,” he explained.

Tom Adcock, a retired air traffic controller, said that most passenger planes fly between 35,000 and 40,000 feet. Some aircraft sometimes fly at altitudes of 41,000 to 43,000 feet. For example, the Boeing 757 aircraft can fly up to 42,000 feet, while the Boeing 767 can fly up to 43,000 feet. He continued to explain that the Boeing 747-400 can fly even higher than this.