McGraw, CEO of Thinking Huts, a non-profit organization that builds schools using 3D printing technology

McGraw is the CEO and Founder of Thinking Huts, a non-profit organization that builds schools using 3D printing technology. In this interview, McGraw discusses how Thinking Huts was founded and what challenges they have faced in their journey so far. He also discusses the importance of 3D printing in education and how Thinking Huts is working to change that.

McGraw’s Background

1. McGraw has a background in engineering, which is why he founded Thinking Huts.

2. He is passionate about helping children access education and Skills training, which is why he founded Thinking Huts.

3. McGraw is also passionate about using D printing technology to build schools. This technology allows for rapid manufacturing of structures and components, which is why he believes it can be used to build schools quickly and cheaply.

4. McGraw is committed to helping children around the world have access to quality education and training, which is why he founded Thinking Huts.

How Thinking Huts Uses 3D Printing Technology to Build Schools

Thinking Huts is a non-profit organization that uses 3D printing technology to build schools. McGraw, the CEO of Thinking Huts, explains how this technology works and how it has helped the organization to achieve its goals.

3D printing technology is amazing because it can quickly and easily create custom components and parts. This is particularly useful for organizations like Thinking Huts, which need to quickly build schools in areas where there are not many resources available.

3D printing also allows Thinking Huts to customize the design of each school exactly the way that they want it. This ensures that the schools that are built by Thinking Huts are both functional and beautiful.