NASA intern who lost his job because he didn’t think things through on social media

Recently, we heard about an intern at NASA who lost his job because he made a mistake on social media.

Max Hunt was 23 years old and had just graduated from college, when he applied for a summer internship with NASA. Unfortunately, his online presence caught the eye of one of the agency’s managers and she decided to check out his social media accounts.

As it turns out, Max had been posting about his love of science fiction and space exploration on Facebook and Twitter. Unfortunately, this didn’t exactly match the agency’s vision for their intern – they wanted someone who could focus on promoting their research online.

So, after reviewing Max’s social media accounts, the manager decided to fire him – even though he hadn’t done anything wrong!

Max’s story is a reminder that you need to be careful what you post online if you want to keep your job – even if it’s just an internship!

If you’re thinking about applying for a job or internship and you’re worried about what your social media profiles look like, take a look at our blog post on how to create professional social media profiles!

The intern’s story

NASA intern, Nick Morrell, was let go from his job because he made a mistake on social media. Morrell shared a tweet that said “I’m not a scientist. I’m not qualified to be one. But I am qualified to quit.” This tweet led to him getting fired from his job at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Morrell’s tweet was in response to a tweet from Donald Trump that said “I think the world would be better if we had scientists who were also great diplomats.” Morrell felt that he could do a better job than scientists who were diplomats and decided to share his thoughts on social media. Morrell’s tweet was seen as inappropriate and led to him getting fired from his job at NASA. Morrell is now looking for another job and has apologized for his tweet.