
A student who invented a device that could stop elephant poachers

Elephants are an endangered species and as such, their numbers are dwindling at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, this problem is compounded by the illegal animal trade, in which poachers illegally kill elephants for their ivory.

One student who is fighting to save the elephants is Ndutu Mwenda, a 17-year-old student from Zambia who has invented a device that can be used to stop elephant poachers. His invention, called the Elephant Protector, is a metal shield that can be attached to an elephant’s trunk and used to protect it from attack.

Mwenda’s invention has already helped save several elephants from being killed, and he is hopeful that it will help prevent the extinction of the elephant population altogether. If you would like to learn more about Mwenda’s work or donate money to support his efforts, you can visit his website or Facebook page.

Mahaboob Makki

Mahaboob Makki is a student who invented a device that could stop elephant poachers. He has been working on this project for two years and has finally finished it. His invention is a tranquilizer gun that can shoot tranquilizers at elephants to make them calm down and not attack people or other animals. Makki is now raising money to bring his invention to Africa so that it can be used to protect the elephants from poachers.

The invention

There is an invention that has the potential to change the elephant poaching industry for good. It is a device that can be attached to an elephant’s trunk and will emit a loud noise whenever it is touched, which will scare away poachers. The device was created by a student at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.

The invention was inspired by a true story. In 2016, an elephant named Matrixx was shot and killed by poachers in Zimbabwe. Matrixx’s death sparked outrage among conservationists and people around the world, and her story inspired the student who created the device to create it.

The device is still in development, but if it is successful, it could be a game changer for the elephant poaching industry. Poachers are afraid of elephants because they know that these animals are dangerous when provoked, and this device could help protect them from being harmed.

If you want to learn more about this amazing invention, check out the link below. It has information on how to donate money so that the device can be developed further.

How Makki’s Device Works

Makki’s device is a humane elephant deterrent. It has a sensor that detects the presence of elephants, and then emits an acoustic signal that repels the elephants. The device has been tested in Kenya, and has been shown to be effective in stopping elephant poaching. Makki is currently working on a version of her device that will be smaller and more portable, so that it can be used in other areas of Africa where elephants are threatened.

What Happened After Makki’s Device Was Released to the Public

After Makki’s device was released to the public, something amazing happened. People all over the world started using it to help stop elephant poachers. Makki’s invention has made a huge difference in the lives of these animals and their guardians.

Where Things Stand for Makki Now

Since Makki was first featured on the news, her story has spread like wildfire. Makki is an 11-year-old student who invented a device that could stop elephant poachers. Her invention, which she calls the Elephant Gun, uses noise to scare off elephants and make them less likely to enter dangerous areas. Makki’s invention has already saved lives, and she hopes it can eventually be used to stop elephant poaching entirely.

Makki’s story has inspired people all over the world to stand up against elephant poaching. One of Makki’s idols is conservationist Steve Irwin, and she has even decided to dedicate her future to stopping elephant poaching. Makki is a true inspiration, and her story shows that anything is possible if you want it badly enough.


As a student who has spent the last two years working tirelessly on an invention that could save elephants from extinction, it is with great pride that I can share the news that my device has been chosen as one of five finalists in the Global Young inventors Competition. The competition is organized by Ernst & Young and features over 1,000 entries from young people around the world. If successful, my invention could revolutionize elephant conservation and help to ensure that these magnificent creatures survive into the future. Thank you for your support throughout this process!