
Google knows more about you than you think

Google knows more about you than you think. In fact, the search engine giant can likely match your individual search queries with those of people who have actually visited your website. This is an interesting revelation from a recent study that found that Google is now tracking more than two trillion web visits since 2009!

What is Google?

Google is a search engine company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. The company offers a variety of services including search, advertising, and mapping. Google has a history of collecting data on its users in order to improve its services. Recently, the company was found to have collected data on users without their consent.

The collection of data without consent is an issue that Google needs to address. If users do not want their data collected, they need to be aware of Google’s policies and how to opt out.

How does Google use data?

Google has been using data since its inception. In fact, Google has been collecting data on users since the early days of Google search. Today, Google uses data to improve its search results, serve ads, personalize content, and more. Let’s take a closer look at how Google uses data:

1. Use data to improve search results. When you type a query into the Google search engine, Google looks through its database of information to find the best matches for your query. To do this, Google pulls data from a variety of sources, including websites you’ve visited and documents you’ve downloaded from the Internet.

2. Serve ads based on your interests and behavior. When you click on an ad on a website, Google knows which pages on that website you visited before clicking on the ad. This information allows Google to serve more relevant ads when you visit that website in the future.

3. Personalize content for each user. When you sign in to your Google account, Google automatically assigns you a user name and profile picture. This information is used to personalize the content that appears on your various profiles (including Gmail, YouTube, and other services).

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How to CONTROL Google Searches

As Google continues to grow in popularity, more and more people are using their search engine to find information. However, many people don’t realize that Google knows a lot about them than they think. In this article, we will discuss ways that you can control how Google searches for information about you.

First and foremost, it is important to be aware of the three types of data that Google has on you: personal data, activity data, and content data. Personal data includes your name, address, email address, and other contact information. Activity data includes the websites that you have visited and the searches that you have made on Google. Content data includes the articles that you have read and the videos that you have watched on YouTube.

It is also important to be aware of the two types of privacy settings that you can use on Google: personal privacy and public privacy. Personal privacy allows you to control who can see your personal data, while public privacy allows everyone to see your personal data. You can change your settings at any time by visiting

Another way that you can control how Google searches for information about you is by changing your search

The Benefits of using Google for research

There are a number of benefits to using Google for research. First, Google has a vast database of information, so you can find what you’re looking for quickly. Second, the search engine is constantly updated with new information, so you can be sure that the information you find is up to date. Finally, Google provides easy access to a variety of different sources of information, so you can get the most comprehensive results possible.


Google knows a great deal about you, and they are using that information to serve ads that are more likely to be of interest to you. It’s one way the search engine giant makes money, but it’s also something you can use to your advantage. For example, if you’re looking for a new car, Google could show you an ad for a different make or model of car than what you’re currently driving. The key is to be aware of how Google is using your data and take advantage of the opportunities it provides.