
According to the concept of physics, the universe should never have existed

There are some physicists out there who believe that the universe shouldn’t have existed. They say that it should have been destroyed in a big explosion billions of years ago, but somehow it didn’t happen. They call this theory the theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking.

The Argument for the Non-Existence of the Universe

According to the concept of physics, the universe should never have existed. This is because the laws of physics prohibit the existence of something that cannot be created or destroyed. If the universe had always existed, then there would have been an infinite number of universes, and we would never know about any of them. Furthermore, if the universe had always existed, it would have come into existence with a vacuum energy which is impossible because according to the laws of thermodynamics, entropy always increases. Therefore, the universe could not have always existed and must have been created.

The Argument Against the Non-Existence of the Universe

According to the concept of physics, the universe should never have existed. This is because the laws of physics require that everything that exists must have come from something else. In other words, everything that exists must have a beginning. But the universe didn’t have a beginning. So it can’t be created by the laws of physics. Therefore, the universe must have existed from eternity without a beginning.

A Solution to the Problem

According to the concept of physics, the universe should never have existed. A major flaw in this belief is the theory of quantum mechanics, which states that at its most fundamental level, matter is made up of tiny particles that cannot be observed as a whole. This means that at some point, the particles should have collided and created a universe. However, this has never been observed, which suggests that the universe could have existed since the beginning of time.


The universe shouldn’t have existed according to the concept of physics. According to this theory, the universe should have collapsed back into a singularity, or point of infinite density and size, after it was created. But instead, we see galaxies stretching outwards for billions of light years and containing millions of stars. This suggests that something must have happened to prevent the universe from collapsing – which has led some scientists to believe that a higher power intervened in the creation process.