
NASA’s famous Curiosity rover is constantly taking pictures on Mars, and in one of the pictures it took, it saw a mysterious light.

NASA’s Curiosity rover has been on Mars for over five years now and has been taking pictures and analyzing data. Recently, while Curiosity was investigating a dark area on the surface of Mars, it captured a mysterious light in one of its photos. Scientists have not been able to identify what the light is, but they are intrigued by it nonetheless.

What is Curiosity seeing on Mars?

Curiosity has been taking pictures of Mars for over six years now, and it has never failed to amaze us with the strange and beautiful sights it has captured. Recently, one of Curiosity’s pictures revealed something so unusual that we can only call it a light. What is this light, and where did it come from?

We don’t know for sure, but Curiosity was able to capture the image using its camera on the rover’s arm. Since Curiosity doesn’t have any actual tools that could potentially identify what this light is, we’re left wondering what it could be. Even stranger is that there are no other similar lights in the area where the light was seen, which makes us believe that it may have come from outside of Mars. If we can find out more about this light, we may be able to learn more about how our planet behaves and changes over time.

What do the pictures mean?

NASA’s famous Curiosity rover is constantly taking pictures on Mars, and in one of the pictures it took, it saw a mysterious light. The rover, which was launched in August 2011, has been exploring the Red Planet since its arrival. Recently, Curiosity took a picture of what appears to be a light in the distance. Scientists are still trying to figure out what the light could be. Some believe it could be from a UFO, while others believe it could be something else entirely.

What is NASA planning to do about it?

NASA is investigating the light as it could be an alien artifact or a meteor. Curiosity is scheduled to take another photo of the light on September 17th.


Curiosity has been exploring the surface of Mars since August 2012, and it has taken countless photographs along the way. Recently, one of Curiosity’s cameras noticed a mysterious light in one of the pictures it had taken. The space agency is still trying to figure out what the light could be, but they believe that it might be a UFO. Whether or not this is true remains to be seen, but if you’re interested in learning more about it, be sure to check out NASA’s website for more information.