International News

A goat with 21-inch long ears that can break the world record

Meet Shiva, the world’s biggest goat! Not only is she the tallest living goat on record, but she also has 21-inch long ears that are three times the size of a normal goat’s. Her owners believe that with her large ears, Shiva can break the world record for breaking eggs – a feat that has been accomplished by goats before!

What is the world’s longest ears on a goat?

The world’s longest ears on a goat belong to an animal named Rocky. Rocky’s ears are -inch long and they are currently the longest ears on a goat.

Most people think that the world’s longest ears on a goat belong to an animal called Fergie. Fergie’s ears are actually longer than Rocky’s, but they are not the world’s longest ears on a goat.

Rocky’s long ears give him the ability to break the world record for the longest ears on a goat. If he is able to keep his ear length stable over time, he may be able to break the world record and become the world’s longest-eared goat!

How did the goat with 21-inch long ears get its record?

The goat with 21-inch long ears has set a world record for the longest ears of any mammal. The goat was born in October of 2016, and its ears have grown at an astounding rate.

The goat’s owners are confident that the goat will break the current record for the longest ears of any mammal. The current record holder is a sheep named Lincoln that has 18 inch long ears.

The goat’s owners are still awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records as to whether or not their goat has officially broken the record. However, they are confident that their goat has set a new world record.

Longest Ears of a Mammal
The current world record holder for the longest ears of any mammal is a sheep named Lincoln, which has 18 inch long ears.

What does this mean for the future of goats?

This goat with -inch long ears has set a new world record for the longest ears on a goat. This could have big implications for the future of goats, as this animal has shown that there is potential for goats to grow even longer ears than previously thought possible.

This record-breaking goat is just one example of how goats are becoming more and more important in the world. Goats are well known for their milk, meat, and wool, but they are also becoming more and more useful in other areas, such as agriculture and forestry.

Goats are particularly good at eating trees that are harmful to other plants. They can clear areas of vegetation quickly, which reduces the amount of fuel that needs to be burned to clear land. Goats are also good at digesting grassy material, which can help reduce the amount of methane released by these types of ecosystems.


A goat with 21-inch long ears that can break the world record was recently born in Greece. The goats’ ears are so large because they are bred to have meat that is very soft, making it ideal for use in the manufacture of certain types of cheese. The world record for the longest ear of any mammal belongs to a goat that measures 20 inches from tip to tip.