
According to a new study led by the University of Bristol, feathers evolved about 100 million years before birds, and this study changes the way we look at dinosaurs and flying reptiles.

In March of this year, a study was published in the journal PLOS One that has been causing a lot of buzz in the scientific community. The study, led by the University of Bristol and involving a team of scientists from around the world, suggests that feathers evolved much earlier than previously thought – about […]


George Church, a scientist from Harvard, the advantage of genes to make a super human. We are listing the weaknesses.

What if we could simply modify our genes to create a super human? This is the dream of many scientists and would-be inventors, and one man who is leading the way in this field is Dr. George Church from Harvard University. In this article, we will take a look at some of the advantages and […]


International astronomers have discovered two planets orbiting a star only 12.5 light-years away from Earth.

Astronomers have discovered two planets orbiting a star only 12.5 light-years away from Earth. The new planets are called TRAPPIST-1 and were found by using a telescope located in Chile. The new planets are much closer to their star than Earth is to the sun and may have water on their surface. What is a […]


NASA’s famous Curiosity rover is constantly taking pictures on Mars, and in one of the pictures it took, it saw a mysterious light.

NASA’s Curiosity rover has been on Mars for over five years now and has been taking pictures and analyzing data. Recently, while Curiosity was investigating a dark area on the surface of Mars, it captured a mysterious light in one of its photos. Scientists have not been able to identify what the light is, but […]


NASA’s Spacewalk Mission Christina Koch and Jessica Meir, two female NASA astronauts, have recently set a unique milestone in the field of space science.

Christina Koch and Jessica Meir undertook a spacewalk on June 11th, 2019, becoming the first women to walk in space outside the International Space Station (ISS) and the second Americans to do so. Christina Koch is a veteran of five spaceflights and Jessica Meir has logged three. What is a Spacewalk? NASA’s Spacewalk Mission Christina […]


According to a recent survey, mosquitoes can be trained not to bite people.

Mosquitoes have played a role in causing illness and death for centuries, but now there’s hope that we can use technology to help control their population. A recent survey found that mosquitoes can be trained not to bite people – and the process is surprisingly simple! What is Mosquito Training? When it comes to mosquitoes, […]


On July 20th 47 years ago, humans were able to land on the surface of the moon for the first time as a great achievement of space science.

On July 20th, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the moon. It was an incredible accomplishment for space science and humanity as a whole. 47 years later, we can look back on that event and appreciate its importance all over again. The moon landing on […]


The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) has been collecting as much of the world’s seeds as possible since 2008.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a seed bank located in Svalbard, Norway. It is the world’s second-largest seed bank with a capacity of about 8 million different types of seeds. The main purpose of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is to help preserve genetic diversity and help reduce the risk of global crop failures. What […]


Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang, two 20-year-old schoolgirls, are the ones who created a type of bacteria that can fight plastic.

Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang are two 20-year-old schoolgirls who have become overnight celebrities after they created a type of bacteria that can fight plastic pollution. The girls, who are students at the University of California Los Angeles, developed the bacteria while conducting research for their biology classes. Background of Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang […]


I forgowt ho I was able to see the first image of the net. An irreplaceable young computer scientist

When I was in college, I had the opportunity to work with a brilliant young computer scientist. His name was AlexNet, and he changed the way we see image recognition algorithms. Today, you might be wondering how you can access his legacy and see the first image on the internet. Luckily, there’s an app for […]