
The US Air Force test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead last Tuesday.

The United States Air Force test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of carrying a nuclear warhead last Tuesday. The launch, which was reported by the Associated Press and other sources, capped off a series of tests that began in early March. The ICBM is a technologically advanced weapon system that is critical to ensuring […]

International News

Russia says it has recruited nearly 16,000 Middle Easterners to fight in Ukraine.

As the Ukraine conflict continues to rage on, Russia has once again resorted to using foreign fighters to bolster its forces. According to Russian officials, nearly 16,000 men from the Middle East have arrived in eastern Ukraine in order to fight on behalf of the Ukrainian government. While this number is still relatively small in […]

International News

Singapore will allow Australian tourists to visit

This year, Singapore will be welcoming back Australian tourists after a four-year hiatus. This is great news for both the Singaporean tourism industry and the Australian economy, as tourists spend an average of $2,000 per trip overseas. In order to prepare for this influx of tourists, the Singaporean government has made several changes to the […]


The currently released Samsung Galaxy S10, The S10E and S10 Plus are the same type of phone with only a few differences.

The Samsung Galaxy S10, S10E and S10 Plus are all the same type of phone with only a few differences. In this article we will cover the differences between the three models. What are the differences between the Galaxy S10, S10E, and SPlus? The currently released Samsung Galaxy S, The SE and S Plus are […]


A teenager who designed an electric motor without rare earth magnets

Teagan Hanlon, a 15-year-old high school student, has designed and built an electric motor that doesn’t require rare earth magnets – a finding that could significantly reduce the cost of electric vehicles. In the current electric vehicle market, rare earth magnets are one of the key components needed to make them work. Without them, electric […]


The United States has kicked Turkey out of the F-35 stealth fighter program after receiving parts of the Russian-made S-400 missile defense system.

The United States has officially kicked Turkey out of the F-35 stealth fighter program after receiving parts of the Russian-made S-400 missile defense system. The decision comes as a result of Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 from Russia, which is in violation of NATO treaty. The United States has been pushing for Turkey to stop […]

International News

A man who robbed a jewelry store using a fake gun was arrested thanks to the cleverness of jewelry store employees.

In this particular story, a man managed to rob a jewelry store using a fake gun. The employees at the store were able to quickly identify the fake weapon and were able to capture the man on camera. Thanks to their quick thinking, the man was arrested and charged with robbery. Robbery by gun A […]

International News

A respected teacher who walked 5 miles every day and delivered free lunches to 78 students.

No one can deny that being a teacher is a very challenging job. You have to be patient with your students, understand their needs, and be able to handle difficult situations when they arise. But one teacher who went above and beyond in his job was Darrell Macpherson. Macpherson was a respected math teacher at […]

International News

My mother now gives me 60 pounds of underwear every day

It’s no secret that one of the biggest challenges when it comes to keeping your hygiene in check is finding the time and money to purchase new underwear regularly. But for one woman, the cost of buying new underwear has become a thing of the past after her mother started packing her boxes full of […]

International News

A country where you are not even allowed to cut a tree in your own home

Taiwan is known for its beautiful subtropical climate, amazing food, and friendly people. However, one thing that’s not so well-known about Taiwan is its forestry laws. These laws state that you’re not even allowed to cut down a tree in your own home – no matter how much you need it! While this might seem […]