
Birds are very patriotic creatures even before they hatch. This was surprisingly discovered by scientists studying the eggs of yellow-legged gulls.

One of the most interesting things about the yellow-legged gulls is their incredibly patriotic behavior when they hatch. Scientists studying these eggs found that the chicks display a strong sense of nationalism, displaying behaviors that are typical of adults! This shows just how important it is for young birds to learn about their country and its history, and to feel connected to it.

How scientists discovered the birds’ patriotism

Yellow-legged gulls are a colonial seabird and one of the most common birds on Earth. However, until now scientists were unaware of how much these birds care for their home country before they even hatch.

To find out, researchers from Lund University in Sweden studied the eggs of yellow-legged gulls and found that the birds tended to place their eggs closer to the coast of their birthplace than those from other parts of the world. The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

“Our findings suggest that yellow-legged gulls may orient their eggs towards the coast because this is where they perceive that the best future for their offspring lies,” said Dr. Tomas Lindahl, one of the researchers involved in the study. “This is surprising given that all other factors – such as food availability – should be equal in all locations.”

The researchers believe that this patriotic behaviour may play an important role in ensuring the survival of these gulls and their offspring.

The results of the study

As most of us know, birds are very patriotic creatures. They often display patriotic symbols, like the American flag, before they hatch. But what did scientists find when they studied the eggs of yellow-legged gulls? Surprisingly, they found that many of the gulls’ eggs had features that were specifically associated with patriotism.

Some of the features included a blue stripe on one side of the egg and a red stripe on the other. The stripes are actually specific to the American flag and are meant to represent the Union Jack and the stripes on the flag. Other gull eggs had stars on them, which is also associated with America.

Overall, this study shows that even birds have a deep-seated patriotism and love for their country. It’s something we can all learn from and appreciate!

How can we apply this to our lives?

Birds are very patriotic creatures even before they hatch. This was surprisingly discovered by scientists studying the eggs of yellow-legged gulls. In their study, the scientists found that the more patriotic the bird’s egg, the more likely it is to hatch with a strong sense of nationalism. The study suggests this may be due to how birds experience patriotism in their natural environment.

The researchers believe that as Hitchcock’s gulls and other seabirds forage for food close to land, they see themselves as members of a larger community. They feel connected to their surroundings and are motivated to protect them. This patriotism may be passed down to their chicks through their eggs.

The findings could have important implications for how we think about patriotism and national identity. It could also help us to understand why some people are more likely to identify with a country than others.


Scientists have long known that birds are very patriotic creatures, but they were surprised to find out just how much patriotism exists in the eggs of yellow-legged gulls. The study, which was recently published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, found that the eggs of these birds contain a special pigment that helps them identify their home country. Scientists believe that this pigment may help guide young gulls as they migrate and explore their environment. It is fascinating to think about what other remarkable discoveries scientists might make if they were to study more bird species!