International News

A university student who became famous overnight because his parents were grateful

This story is about a student, Cengiz Ozkan, who became famous overnight after his parents posted a letter of gratitude to him on social media. Ozkan’s parents had learned about Ozkan through an article he wrote for his school paper. Ozkan’s story goes to show that it’s never too late to make a difference in […]

International News

Two swimming champions who broke up because they were tired of their married life

When two swimming champions from different countries get married, they think they have hit the jackpot. But after a few years of wedded bliss, they realize that their marital relationship is just not what it used to be. The two former swimming champions have broken up because they are both tired of each other’s company […]

International News

Due to the impact of COVID-19, a Thai school has to study in a temporary shelter

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a Thai school has had to find a temporary shelter due to the high number of students who have been affected. The shelter is located in an abandoned warehouse, and the students are having to learn in shifts. This article tells the story of how the school came […]

International News

A Missouri mother donated 65 pints of her milk to mothers and babies affected by Hurricane Harvey.

It’s been said that a mother is the world’s most special person. And, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, one Missouri woman has shown just how much she cares by donating 65 pints of her milk to mothers and babies affected by the storm. A Missouri mother donated pints of her milk to mothers and […]

International News

The plane that saved the trafficked girl

On October 10, 2017, a small plane carrying three refugees crashed while attempting to land in Greece. The passenger, 15-year-old Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, became an international sensation after she was whisked away from the scene of the crash and brought to the UK for refuge. In this article, we take a look at her story […]

International News

The journalist who protested against the war on a Russian state television channel was detained and was not allowed to sleep for 2 days

Maria Butina, a Russian woman who was trying to build relationships with American political leaders, was arrested on July 15th. She is accused of being a Russian agent and conspiring to influence the U.S. presidential election in favor of Donald Trump. In an interview with the Russian state-owned news channel RT, Butina complained about the […]

International News

Actor Steven Seagal, who was appointed as a special envoy to improve Russian-American relations

The Russian-American relationship has been in flux for quite some time now, with many disagreements on both sides of the Atlantic. In an effort to improve relations between the two countries, Steven Seagal was appointed as a special envoy earlier this year. Here’s what you need to know about the actor and his role in […]

International News

13 hostages freed thanks to the intervention of the president of Ukraine

On Tuesday, the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, made a phone call to Russian president Vladimir Putin in order to discuss the situation in eastern Ukraine. During the call, Poroshenko informed Putin of his plan to send in troops to secure the release of 13 hostages who were being held by pro-Russian separatists. The hostages […]

International News

Chinese officials apologize for shaming people who wear pajamas in public

A recent scandal in China has caused officials to apologize for shaming people who wear pajamas in public. The People’s Daily, a state-run newspaper, published a story in which it showed pictures of people who had been caught wearing pajamas in public and labeled them “uncivilized.” The article went on to say that the people […]

International News

The Saudi Air Force officer who fired on a US naval base in December 2019 worked with Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) to carry out the attack, US officials said.

On December 15, 2019, a Saudi Air Force officer working at a military base in the United Kingdom was charged with shooting down a US naval aircraft that was taking part in Operation Decisive Storm, which was launched to remove the Houthi rebels from Yemen. According to officials, the officer – identified as Majid Al-Shaalan […]