
Data Science: How Companies Can Use Data To Drive Change

Introduction Data is one of the most important assets a company can have. In fact, it’s often said that data is the new oil. And as companies scramble to find ways to use data to drive change, they turn to data science. What is data science, you ask? Simply put, it’s a way of using […]


Russian researchers in prehistoric times, 42,000 years ago (42,000) years ago, blood and urine were found in the fossils of a young horse.

The horse is one of the most successful animals on the planet, and their genome has been extensively studied. However, little is known about horses in prehistoric times. A team of Russian researchers have found evidence of horses in 42,000-year-old fossils, shedding light on this time period and their relationship to other animals. What was […]


Professor Avi Loeb, a scientist at Harvard, says that we should look for dead ones just as we should look for living extraterrestrial entities.

In the latest episode of his popular podcast, Professor Avi Loeb discusses the possibility that there may be dead civilizations out there in space, waiting for us to find them. Loeb is a scientist at Harvard and his work focuses on the search for extraterrestrial life, so his opinion on this subject is worth considering. […]


According to a survey by researchers at Stanford University, our world is at the beginning of the sixth mass extinction.

We are living in a time of great change. Our planet is facing many challenges – from climate change to the depletion of natural resources. One of the biggest threats to our planet is human activity – specifically, the pollution that we create. In a fascinating new study, researchers at Stanford University have warned us […]


China’s Xinhua news agency has introduced a female artificial intelligence news anchor created with an artificial intelligence (AI) system based on the human model.

Introduction China’s Xinhua news agency has introduced a female artificial intelligence news anchor created with an artificial intelligence (AI) system based on the human model. Dubbed “XinHua Girl,” the AI-powered journalist has been trained to deliver live news reports and interact with reporters. Xinhua news agency’s new AI news anchor Xinhua news agency has introduced […]


In 2009, scientists created another type of black hole in a lab. This black hole is a black hole that cannot be heard.

In 2009, scientists created a new type of black hole in a lab. This black hole is a black hole that cannot be heard. This new kind of black hole is called an ultracold atom black hole. What is a black hole? A black hole is a type of extreme gravitational field that can suck […]


I don’t think it would be wrong to say that our galaxy is a zombie. He has already died once.

The topic of zombies has been explored in many films, books, and video games. But what if we took the zombie idea a step further? What if we explored the idea of the zombie galaxy? A galaxy where, due to some unknown event, all stars have died and are now orbiting dead galaxies? In this […]


With China’s Chang’e-4 spacecraft carrying seeds to the far side of the moon, hopes for planting trees on the moon have grown stronger.

For many people, the moon is a destination that holds great interest. Not only is it one of the most scientifically interesting places in our universe, but it also has long been perceived as a place where humans can go and explore. With China’s Chang’e-4 spacecraft carrying seeds to the far side of the moon, […]


He became a qualified British pilot at a young age

When it comes to accomplishments, there isn’t much that can compare to what Joey Lawrence has been able to achieve in his life. From becoming a qualified British pilot at a young age to being on the UK edition of Dancing With The Stars and now starring in his own US show, Joey Lawrence is […]


Astronomers at LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), which is primarily intended to measure gravitational waves, have detected waves based on the collision of two distant neutron stars for the second time.

In September of 2017, LIGO scientists detected gravitational waves – a type of wave created by the collision of two objects. This discovery has since inspired many other researchers to begin working on detecting these waves elsewhere in the universe, and with each new detection the possibility that we may have discovered the elusive ‘dark […]