
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) has been collecting as much of the world’s seeds as possible since 2008.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a seed bank located in Svalbard, Norway. It is the world’s second-largest seed bank with a capacity of about 8 million different types of seeds. The main purpose of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is to help preserve genetic diversity and help reduce the risk of global crop failures. What […]


Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang, two 20-year-old schoolgirls, are the ones who created a type of bacteria that can fight plastic.

Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang are two 20-year-old schoolgirls who have become overnight celebrities after they created a type of bacteria that can fight plastic pollution. The girls, who are students at the University of California Los Angeles, developed the bacteria while conducting research for their biology classes. Background of Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang […]


I forgowt ho I was able to see the first image of the net. An irreplaceable young computer scientist

When I was in college, I had the opportunity to work with a brilliant young computer scientist. His name was AlexNet, and he changed the way we see image recognition algorithms. Today, you might be wondering how you can access his legacy and see the first image on the internet. Luckily, there’s an app for […]


Scientists who are creating therapies to eliminate HIV have used a drug called LASER ART as well as a gene editing method to test laboratory mice.

Laser Art and gene editing are two of the most promising methods scientists have found for curing HIV infection. Researchers at Emory University in Atlanta conducted a study where they used both laser art and gene editing to test their effectiveness on laboratory mice. The results were positive, and suggest that these methods could be […]


In November 2018, a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, announced that he had genetically modified human beings, causing shockwaves throughout the scientific and health community around the world.

As society becomes increasingly reliant on technology, it’s not surprising that concerns over genetic modification and other advancements in science would arise. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the potential implications of this Chinese scientist’s announcement and what you can do to stay safe if such technologies are ever developed within […]


According to the concept of physics, the universe should never have existed

There are some physicists out there who believe that the universe shouldn’t have existed. They say that it should have been destroyed in a big explosion billions of years ago, but somehow it didn’t happen. They call this theory the theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking. The Argument for the Non-Existence of the Universe According to […]


The European Space Agency’s Aeolus satellite and Space X’s Starlink-44 satellite are arguing that there is a possibility of collision somewhere in their orbit, and the situation is tense.

In early February 2019, the European Space Agency’s Aeolus satellite and Space X’s Starlink-44 satellite were arguing about where they should orbit. The situation quickly escalated, with both satellites claiming that there was a possibility of collision somewhere in their orbit. The ESA has since issued a warning to all commercial spacecraft operating in low […]


SpaceX, the space company, is preparing to provide the Internet to the whole world, and if it can actually be done, it will be a big milestone for them.

SpaceX has always been a company that is pushing the envelope when it comes to space exploration. With its newest program, the goal is to bring high-speed Internet access to everyone on Earth. And if it can actually be done, it will be a big milestone for them. What is SpaceX? SpaceX is a private […]


One of the Internet’s Favorite Tech Guys, Elon Mars, has revealed something his Neuralink has been secretly working on.

Neuralink is a company founded by Elon Musk, with the stated goal of developing technology to help human brains connect with each other and with machines. In a recent interview with ABC News, Musk revealed that Neuralink has been working on a project that could change the way we view AI – creating a neural […]


In fact, we humans did not descend from the monkeys we see now.

For years, scientists have debated the origins of human beings. Are we descended from the monkeys we see now? Or are we something else entirely? In this article, we will explore the evidence for and against monkey ancestry, and determine which theory is more plausible. What is DNA and where does it come from? DNA […]