International News

Donating to children who don’t have shoes

Do you ever find yourself feeling guilty when you don’t have anything to give to a homeless person? Well, maybe it’s time to start thinking about giving to children who don’t have shoes. According to the World Health Oragnization, childhood obesity is on the rise, and one of the major causes is lack of access to healthy food and physical activity. Not having shoes can make it difficult for children to attend school, play outdoors, and engage in other activities that could help them stay healthy.

Why donate shoes to kids who don’t have them?

There are many reasons why people donate shoes to kids who don’t have them. Shoes are one of the most important items that children need in order to stay healthy and avoid injuring themselves. Shoes can also help kids feel more confident and secure. According to the World Health Oragnization, “Shoes are an important factor in preventing problems such as early school absenteeism, poor academic performance, physical injuries, and even running away from home.” In addition to helping children stay healthy and safe, donating shoes can also provide them with a much-needed gift. There are many organizations that distribute donated shoes to children in need around the world.

Types of shoes that can be donated

There are many types of shoes that can be donated to children who don’t have them. Some of the most common types of shoes that can be donated are: sneakers, boots, sandals, and clogs. Shoes can also be donated to children who have special needs, such as orthopedic shoes or shoes for people with vision problems.

How to donate shoes to kids

There are a few ways you can donate shoes to kids who don’t have them. You can drop them off at a local charity or donation center, or you can donate online. You can also give shoes as a present to a child in need.

What should the shoe donation box look like?

When you’re thinking of ways to give back this holiday season, consider donating new or gently used shoes to children who don’t have any. One way to do this is to create a shoe donation box at your place of business. Here are some tips for designing and constructing a shoe donation box that will be both functional and tasteful:

1. Choose a sturdy container that can hold a variety of sizes and shapes of shoes.

2. Include a clear space on top for labeling with the child’s name and shoe size.

3. If possible, include a slot for donations of new or gently used winter coats as well.

4. If you’d like, add festive decorations or ribbon to make the donation box look special.

How long will it take for the shoes to reach the kids?

The shoes will be delivered to the children within a few days.


Every child deserves the gift of good footwear, and that is especially true for those who don’t have them. Children in impoverished countries or communities often suffer from chronic health conditions or lack access to basic resources like clean water and nutritious food. As a result, they are at an increased risk for developing health problems such as stunting, which can lead to lifelong disabilities. Shoes not only provide physical comfort but also give children an opportunity to learn how to take care of their feet and walk upright.

This Christmas season, why not consider donating shoes to a deserving organization? There are many organizations that provide free shoes to children in need around the world, so it’s easy to find one that appeals to you. Simply search online or ask your friends if they know of any worthwhile organizations that could use your help this holiday season. Thank you for considering giving back this year!