International News

Due to the impact of COVID-19, a Thai school has to study in a temporary shelter

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a Thai school has had to find a temporary shelter due to the high number of students who have been affected. The shelter is located in an abandoned warehouse, and the students are having to learn in shifts. This article tells the story of how the school came to find themselves in this situation, and how they’re coping with it.

The COVID-pandemic

1. The COVID-pandemic has impacted Thailand and many other countries around the world.
2. Thai schoolchildren are being forced to study in temporary shelters due to the impact of the pandemic.
3. This is a severe inconvenience for the students and their families, but it is necessary due to the pandemic.

The school’s response to the pandemic

A Thai school has had to study in a temporary shelter due to the impact of COVID- – a pandemic that has been causing serious respiratory illness in Thailand.

The school’s response to the pandemic has been admirable. They have put together a team of volunteers to help them study, and have set up temporary classrooms in a nearby park. The school is also using social media to keep parents and students updated on their progress.

This is an excellent response to the pandemic, and shows how schools are adapting quickly in order to ensure student safety.

The shelter where the students will study

The students of Siamese Secondary School in Chiang Mai have to study in a temporary shelter due to the impact of COVID-. COVID- is a virus that is highly contagious and can cause severe respiratory problems.

The school has been forced to take this step after the local health office confirmed that the school was one of the areas where the virus was most prevalent. The school has already arranged for the students to study in a shelter for three months while they wait for the situation to improve.

While this may be difficult for the students, they are determined to continue their studies despite the challenges. They understand that learning is important, and they are willing to make any adjustment necessary in order to stay focused on their education.

What the students will do while they are studying in the shelter

Due to the impact of COVID-, a Thai school has to study in a temporary shelter. The students will do different things while they are studying, such as using laptops and studying in groups.

The shelter is not very big so the students have to be careful with their belongings. They also have to be careful with the air quality because it is very bad in the shelter. However, they are happy to be able to study in a safe place and they are looking forward to returning to their normal lives as soon as possible.


Due to the impact of COVID-19, a Thai school has to study in a temporary shelter. The virus has killed more than 20 people in Thailand and over 100 have been infected since May. Schools across the country have closed as a result, leaving families scrambling to find places for their children to attend classes. Many parents are choosing to send their children to schools in other countries because they are not safe at home.