
Facebook invited the media last Wednesday and clarified its plans to deal with hate speech in Myanmar.

Facebook has long been criticized for its role in disseminating hate speech on its platform. Last Wednesday, the company clarified its plans to address this issue and invited representatives from the media to attend. This article provides an overview of Facebook’s plans and how they differ from those of Twitter.

What Facebook clarified about its plans to deal with hate speech in Myanmar

Facebook has invited the media last Wednesday to clarify its plans to deal with hate speech in Myanmar. The social media giant stated that it will create a new section for reporting hate speech and will work with local organizations and law enforcement to enforce its policy. Facebook also clarified that it will not remove content just because it violates its hate speech policy, but will instead work with the content’s creator to better understand why they made the post.

This clarification comes after backlash against Facebook’s previous stance on hate speech in Myanmar. Critics argued that Facebook was not doing enough to censure hate speech, while others claimed that Facebook was unfairly censoring dissenting voices. In a statement released last week, Facebook stated that it is “committed to working with local organizations and law enforcement to help protect people from abuse and hateful content.” While this statement offers some hope for prevention of future violence and atrocities, it remains to be seen how effectively Facebook will enforce its policies.

The public backlash against Facebook’s plans

Facebook invited the media last Wednesday and clarified its plans to deal with hate speech in Myanmar. The backlash against Facebook began almost immediately, as many people were not happy about the social media giant’s plans to filter content and remove hate speech. Facebook stated that it would only remove hate speech that incites violence or is specifically directed at a certain community. However, critics say that this could be very difficult to define and could lead to censorship of legitimate criticism of the government.

The outcry on social media has continued into this week, with many people protesting outside of Facebook’s offices in California and UK. In a blog post on Monday, Facebook defended its plan, writing “We understand that not everyone will be happy with these decisions … but we believe they are necessary to protect our community.”

What Facebook is doing to reassure the public

Facebook has invited the media last Wednesday and clarified its plans to deal with hate speech in Myanmar. Facebook is taking into account public opinion before taking any punitive actions against hate speech on the site. They are also working with local organizations to provide support for victims of hate speech.

In order to ensure that hate speech does not proliferate, Facebook will prohibit any content that attacks people based on their national origin, race or ethnicity. Facebook also plans to use AI and human reviewers to flag potentially hate speech posts before they are shared on the site. While these measures will help prevent the spread of hate speech, they will not be able to address the underlying causes of such speech.

Facebook has long been criticized for its inadequate response to hate speech on the site. This announcement is a step in the right direction, but there is still work to be done.

What social media users should do if they see hate speech on Facebook

Facebook invited the media last Wednesday and clarified its plans to deal with hate speech in Myanmar. The social media giant stated that it will take down posts that violate its community standards, and will work with third-party fact-checkers to verify reports of hate speech. Facebook also announced that it will create an “emergency response team” to help identify and remove hate speech from its platform quickly.

Facebook’s decision to address hate speech on its platform comes after months of protests and violence against the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar. In September, a Facebook post by Aung San Suu Kyi called for peace and tolerance, but the post was widely criticized for not addressing the issue of Rohingya extremism. Since then, Facebook has been criticized for not doing enough to eliminate hate speech on its platform.

While Facebook has taken steps to address hate speech on its platform, users should still be aware of their responsibilities when encountering this type of content. Posts containing hate speech should be reported directly to Facebook, as well as to local police if necessary. Users should also avoid sharing content that could lead to violence or physical harm, and should use caution when posting about sensitive topics like race or religion.


Facebook invited the media last Wednesday to its headquarters in Menlo Park, California and clarified its plans to deal with hate speech on its platform in Myanmar. The company claims that it will use a combination of technology, human reviewers, and artificial intelligence (AI) to identify and remove content that violates Facebook’s Community Standards. According to Reuters, Facebook plans to hire an additional 1,000 people over the next three years “to review reports of hate speech and other violations on the site.” This is significant news because it shows how committed Facebook is to tackling hate speech on its platform; however, there are still many questions that need answering.