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If only Disney princesses were human girls in 2109, in what fashion do you think they would survive in the human world, unlike the cartoon?

In 2109, Disney princesses will be human girls. How do you think they will survive in the human world? In this article, we try to answer this question by considering some of the ways that Disney princesses have traditionally been portrayed in the media.

How the Disney Princesses would look and act if they were human

If the Disney Princesses were human girls, they would have to learn to live in a world that is not always perfect. They would have to face challenges and make decisions on their own.

Many people think that the Disney Princesses would fare better in the human world than they do in the cartoon. They would have to learn how to deal with difficult situations and work hard for what they want. The Disney Princesses would also have to confront stereotypes and discrimination. However, they would eventually find satisfaction and happiness in their lives.

How their fashion styles would change

If Disney princesses were human girls in the real world, their fashion styles would change a lot. For one, they would have to deal with everyday challenges and problems that humans face.

For example, if they went to school, they would have to learn about subjects like math and science. And if they wanted to work in a job, they would have to learn how to do paperwork and handle customer service.

Plus, princesses wouldn’t be able to rely on magic or other supernatural powers to help them out. They would have to learn how to fight for themselves and use their brains instead.

In the end, I think Disney princesses would survive in the human world just fine. But their fashion styles would definitely change!

What roles they might play in the human world

If Disney princesses were human girls, in what fashion do you think they would survive in the human world? Unlike the cartoon, where they are protected from the harsh realities of the real world by their magical powers and/or handsome princes, human girls would have to learn to fend for themselves.

Some princesses, like Belle from “Beauty and The Beast,” may find success as independently minded businesswomen. Others, like Cinderella, may find themselves struggling to make ends meet. Regardless of their fortunes, all princesses would need to be careful not to become victims of abuse or exploitation.

All princesses would also need to learn how to defend themselves against pesky mice and other small rodents. Unlike in the cartoons, where these animals always obey the commands of the prince, in the human world they might be more than a little resistant to being bossed around.

In short, if Disney princesses were human girls, they would face many challenges and tribulations that no one ever told them about in the cartoon series.


If only Disney princesses were human girls in 2109, there’s no telling what kind of fashion choices they would make. In the human world, things are a bit different than in their cartoon counterpart. For one, society is much more advanced and accepting of differences between sexes and sexual orientations. Additionally, technology has progressed to the point where princesses could probably survive just fine on their own without princes or other suitors. Who knows – maybe they’d even invent their own fashion style!