
In November 2018, a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, announced that he had genetically modified human beings, causing shockwaves throughout the scientific and health community around the world.

As society becomes increasingly reliant on technology, it’s not surprising that concerns over genetic modification and other advancements in science would arise. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the potential implications of this Chinese scientist’s announcement and what you can do to stay safe if such technologies are ever developed within your own personal sphere of influence.

What is He Jiankui?

He Jiankui is a Chinese scientist who has announced that he has genetically modified human beings. This announcement has shocked the scientific and health community around the world, and has caused a lot of concern.

What is He Jiankui’s background?

He Jiankui was born in China in 1967. He is a graduate of Peking University and received his PhD from the Harbin Institute of Technology in 2001. He has been a professor at the University of Southern California since 2007.

What did He Jiankui do?

He Jiankui announced that he had genetically modified human beings in November . He said that he had changed the genes of embryos so that they would not experience pain during childbirth. This would allow women to have more children without suffering from pain or injury.

Many people are concerned about what this announcement could mean for the future of human beings. Some people are worried that it could lead to genetic discrimination or even human cloning. Others are worried about the safety of these modified babies.

What did he do?

He Jiankui, a Chinese scientist, announced in November that he had genetically modified human beings, causing shockwaves throughout the scientific and health community around the world.

He Jiankui claimed that this technology could help people with serious diseases live longer and healthier lives. However, many scientists are concerned about the ethical implications of this technology. They worry that it could be used to create “designer babies” – babies who are born with traits that are desired by their parents or society.

Others are worried about the potential dangers of this technology. They worry that it could be used to create “super humans” – people who are stronger, faster, and smarter than average.

Reaction to his announcement

Since November, when Chinese scientist He Jiankui announced that he had genetically modified human beings, reactions have been swift and widespread. The announcement has caused shockwaves throughout the scientific and health community around the world, as it raises many ethical questions.

Some experts have warned that this technology could be used to create “super humans” who are able to survive in hostile environments or fight diseases more effectively. Others have said that the technology could be used to create “unnatural” babies.

Whatever the future holds for this technology, one thing is for sure: it has captured the attention of everyone involved in it, from scientists to philosophers to social media users.

Aftermath of the announcement

The announcement of He Jiankui’s experiments caused a huge outcry across the scientific and health community. Many people were horrified by what he had done, and called for him to be arrested.

He Jiankui released a statement apologizing for his actions, but said that he had undertaken the experiments in order to help people with disabilities. He said that he was sorry to those who had been hurt by the experiments, and promised to stop them immediately.

He Jiankui is currently in custody in China, where he is facing charges of illegally performing human gene editing. There is a possibility that he could face execution if convicted.

What comes next?

In November, a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, announced that he had genetically modified human beings. This caused shockwaves throughout the scientific and health community around the world.

Although there is still much to be learned about the implications of this technology, it is important to remember that this is only the beginning. We need to be careful not to overreact to this news, because we don’t know what comes next.

We need to take a step back and consider all of the potential implications of this technology. We need to come up with rules and regulations that will protect the safety of all humans, no matter where they are located in the world. We also need to figure out a way to pay for this research so that it can be done safely and responsibly.


The announcement of He Jiankui’s gene-editing experiment has caused a lot of concern and debate around the world. While some applaud him for taking such an innovative step, others are deeply concerned about the implications it could have on human health. What we do know is that this news has sparked a conversation about gene editing in general, which is something that we should all be aware of as scientists continue to explore this potentially harmful technology.