
It has been 8 years since Vivo started investing in Myanmar.

Eight years ago, when the world was focused on the devastating humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, few could have foreseen the dramatic changes that would come about in the Southeast Asian country. Today, Vivo is one of the largest cellular companies in Myanmar, and it has invested a total of $1.2 billion in the country since 2007. Join us as we take a closer look at how Vivo’s investment in Myanmar has helped shape the country’s future.

What is Vivo?

Vivo is a Chinese smartphone manufacturer that has been making smartphones in Myanmar for years.

2. What has Vivo done in Myanmar?

Vivo has invested a lot in Myanmar over the past few years. They have built factories and hired local workers to create phones and other electronics. Vivo also provides scholarships and other financial assistance to students in Myanmar.

What are the company’s recent investments in Myanmar?

Vivo has been investing in Myanmar for a few years now. In 2017, the company invested in a local phone brand called MyPhone. This was followed by a $5 million investment in a digital payments platform called PayNearMe. Vivo also invested $1 million in ride-hailing company Go-Jek.

Vivo’s investments in Myanmar show that the company is committed to the country. The company is hoping to create jobs and help grow the economy. It also wants to increase access to telecommunications and digital payments in Myanmar. These investments will ultimately benefit consumers in the country.

What are the implications of Vivo’s investments in Myanmar?

1. Vivo is one of the largest phone companies in China and has been expanding into new markets lately. In February of this year, it announced its plans to invest $2 billion in Myanmar over the next five years. This investment is significant because it signals that China is interested in developing the country’s telecommunications infrastructure.

2. However, some people are concerned about the implications of Vivo’s investments in Myanmar. They argue that the company will benefit from government corruption and won’t be willing to invest in improving human rights or developing the country’s economy. Others worry that Vivo will bring with it harmful Chinese practices, such as censorship and forced labor. It will be important to watch how Vivo integrates itself into Myanmar society in order to determine the long-term effects of its investment.


Eight years ago, Vivo made a significant investment in Myanmar. The objective was to create jobs and support the country’s economic development. Today, we can see that our investment has paid off: Myanmar is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, with annual growth averaging 7%. This growth is thanks in part to Vivo’s efforts to improve telecommunications infrastructure and expand its retail presence. We are confident that this positive trajectory will continue and that our investments will play an important role in supporting Myanmar’s transformation into a developed country.