
North Korea fired a missile over Japan on Tuesday morning in a taunt to the United States, prompting Tokyo authorities to tell residents to evacuate.

North Korea has been escalating tensions with the United States and other countries in the region by testing missiles and building up its nuclear arsenal. In response, the United States has increased military presence in the region, and Japan has urged its citizens to prepare for a possible attack. This article examines North Korea’s missile launch and what it means for the future of East Asia.

North Korea Fires Missile Over Japan

North Korea fired a missile over Japan on Tuesday morning in a taunt to the United States, prompting Tokyo authorities to tell residents to evacuate. The missile flew over Hokkaido before landing in the Pacific Ocean, according to Japanese broadcaster NHK.

U.S. Pacific Command said that the launch posed no threat to North America and that it was working with Japanese authorities on a response. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe condemned the launch as an “unprecedented and grave threat.”

The missile launch comes less than two weeks after North Korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that experts say could potentially reach parts of the United States. Pyongyang has threatened to continue developing its nuclear weapons program at any cost, and has repeatedly called for Japan and other countries to surrender to its regime.

Tokyo has warned residents in northern Japan to leave their homes as a precautionary measure in light of the latest provocation from North Korea. In response, U.S. President Donald Trump said that he hopes China can help rein in Pyongyang’s aggression.

What is a Missile?

North Korea fired a missile over Japan on Tuesday morning in a taunt to the United States, prompting Tokyo authorities to tell residents to evacuate. A missile is a device that is used to carry a weapon from one place to another. The North Korean missile flew over Japan’s Hokkaido Island before landing in the Sea of Japan. Missile technology has changed greatly in the past few decades, and some experts are still unsure about what kind of damage a North Korean missile could do if it were to land in Japan.

North Korea’s missile launch

North Korea fired a missile over Japan on Tuesday morning in a taunt to the United States, prompting Tokyo authorities to tell residents to evacuate. The missile, which was described as an intermediate-range ballistic missile by the Japanese government, flew for about nine minutes and reached a height of about 2,500 kilometers before landing in the Sea of Japan. The launch comes less than two weeks after U.S. President Donald Trump said that he would “totally destroy” North Korea if it attacked the United States or its allies.

While Pyongyang has not yet responded to the launch, analysts say that it is likely part of Pyongyang’s ongoing rhetoric against Washington and its strategy of pushing South Korea and Japan towards conflict with the North. North Korea has previously conducted nuclear tests and launched missiles over Japan in pursuit of stronger ties with Seoul and Tokyo, which it sees as key allies in its effort to build an economically powerful nation.

How serious is this situation?

North Korea fired a missile over Japan on Tuesday morning in a taunt to the United States, prompting Tokyo authorities to tell residents to evacuate. The missile flew over Hokkaido before landing in the Pacific Ocean, according to local media reports. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters that North Korea’s actions are “absolutely unacceptable” and that his country will take all necessary measures to protect its citizens. The Trump administration has warned North Korea that any additional acts of aggression would be met with a “massive military response.” What does this incident mean for the region?

The missile launch is an escalation in what is already a tense situation in the region. North Korea has been aggressively pursuing its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, and has shown no signs of slowing down. In recent months, the country has tested missiles that could potentially reach parts of the United States. This latest act of aggression is likely meant as a warning to the United States, and may cause Japan to further tighten its security measures. The Trump administration has vowed to take action against North Korea if it continues its aggressive behavior, but it remains to be seen what that action will be.

What are the consequences of a North Korean missile launch?

The Japanese government has warned residents in the area of an impending missile attack, issuing an evacuation order for those who live within a 10-kilometer radius of the missile launch site.

The missile was fired from North Korea over Japan early this morning, prompting the U.S. and Japan to begin joint military drills in response. The launch follows weeks of provocations from Pyongyang, including a nuclear test earlier this month and a string of missile launches into the Sea of Japan and Pacific Ocean. While the missile launch is dangerous, it’s not clear what potential consequences could result from it.

Here’s a look at what could happen should a North Korean missile reach its target:

-The launch could provoke a military response from the United States and its allies, potentially leading to further escalation.

-The launch could lead to increased tensions between North Korea and Japan, as well as other countries in the region.

-A missile that lands in Japan could cause significant damage and casualties, potentially resulting in mass panic and chaos.

How can I prepare for a North Korean missile launch?

If you live in Japan, the best way to prepare for a North Korean missile launch is by evacuating to an area outside of the country. The Japanese government has already issued evacuation orders for residents living within a 20-mile radius of any potential launch site. You can also take steps to protect yourself and your family by storing food and water, creating an emergency plan, and learning about North Korea’s missile capabilities.


North Korea has a long history of firing missiles over Japan, and on Tuesday morning it did so again in a provocation to the United States. This is not the first time North Korea has fired a missile over Japan; in fact, it’s not even the second time this month. In light of this behavior, authorities in Tokyo have urged residents to evacuate in case of an impending attack by North Korea. The missile that was launched on Tuesday flew for about 310 miles before landing in the Sea of Japan, which is far enough away from any population center that there is no immediate threat. Nevertheless, this type of provocative behavior by North Korea cannot be ignored and underscores the increasing tensions between Pyongyang and Washington.