
According to a new study, what is happening in the world today is unusual and we are experiencing something that has never happened in the last 2000 years.

The world is changing at an unprecedented rate, and it is not just due to the current political climate. According to a new study, the world we are living in right now is something that has never happened in the last 2000 years. The study, which was conducted by scientists at University College London, claims […]


In the list of top smartphone manufacturers released by IHS Markit, Apple is the same as Korean smartphone manufacturers, Samsung, It was behind Huawei and OPPO.

Apple was behind Samsung and Huawei in the latest list of top smartphone manufacturers released by IHS Markit. The report showed that Apple sold a total of 74.5 million smartphones in 2018, while Samsung sold 81.3 million smartphones and Huawei sold 66.2 million smartphones. OPPO ranked third with sales of 32.9 million smartphones, according to […]


Germany, the world’s largest coal user, has announced that it will shut down 84 coal-fired power plants in an effort to combat global climate change.

This is huge news for the environment, and shows just how serious Germany is about combating climate change. Already, the country has committed to reducing its carbon dioxide emissions by 40% by 2020, and this latest announcement will help them reach that goal even faster. Germany’s announcement to close coal-fired power plants Germany, the world’s […]


Birds are very patriotic creatures even before they hatch. This was surprisingly discovered by scientists studying the eggs of yellow-legged gulls.

One of the most interesting things about the yellow-legged gulls is their incredibly patriotic behavior when they hatch. Scientists studying these eggs found that the chicks display a strong sense of nationalism, displaying behaviors that are typical of adults! This shows just how important it is for young birds to learn about their country and […]


For years, scientists have been researching why humans are at increased risk of heart disease.

Heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, and it’s no secret that the risk for developing the condition increases as you get older. Scientists have long been baffled by why this is the case, but a recent study has revealed one potential answer. The Role of Lipids in Heart Disease Heart disease is […]


The AI ​​that was able to knock out the human champions after 8 days of playing one of the world’s most complex poker games.

For years, people have been trying to create a computer system that can outplay the best human poker players. In a recent study, researchers from the University of Alberta showed that an artificial intelligence (AI) program was able to do just that – it outperformed professional human poker players in an eight-day competition. While this […]


For decades, biologists have puzzled over Ediacaran organisms.

For decades, biologists have puzzled over Ediacaran organisms. These enigmatic fossils have left many questions unanswered, including why they suddenly appeared in the fossil record and what role they may have played in the evolution of life on Earth. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most well-known Ediacaran fossils and […]


Tracey Williams, also known as the “Lego Lady”, has spent 25 years trying to find the 5 million Lego parts lost at sea.

Tracey Williams is a Lego enthusiast who has spent 25 years trying to find the 5 million Lego parts that were lost at sea. In this article, Tracey tells her story and how she became obsessed with finding the pieces. She also shares some of her tips for anyone who wants to become a Lego […]


A species of parrot, which can be considered the largest of all parrot species, used to graze in the area around what is now New Zealand (19) million years ago, according to The Journal Biology Letters published last Tuesday.

Parrots are one of the most popular bird species in the world, and for good reason. They are colorful, intelligent creatures that can be quite entertaining to watch. But did you know that there is one species of parrot that is actually the largest of all parrot species? And did you know that this particular […]


When we study something, we will be able to learn more easily if we use Richard Feynman’s (4) learning methods.

Richard Feynman is a celebrated physicist who has written many papers and lectures on the subject of physics. In particular, he is well-known for his work on quantum mechanics and the theory of particle physics. One of his most famous quotes is “What we know about science today is only a small part of what […]