
Singapore’s water supply agency gradually refined the water filtered from the sewage system and produced NewBrew brand beer.

Singapore’s water supply agency, PUB, has been refining the water filtered from the sewage system and producing NewBrew brand beer since early last year. The beer is said to have a “clean” taste and be gluten-free. In order to produce the beer, PUB collaborated with two local breweries – Brewbound and 8 Wired – and used a modified brewing process that uses municipal water from Singapore.

Singapore’s water supply agency gradually refined the water filtered from the sewage system and produced NewBrew brand beer.

Singapore’s water supply agency, Public Utilities Board (PUB), has been producing filtered water for beer production since 2007. The PUB first used the treated sewage water to produce “NewBrew” brand beer. NewBrew is a light, refreshing lager that is popular in Singapore and overseas.

The PUB gradually refined the water filtered from the sewage system to produce NewBrew. The initial process of filtering the water used coarse materials such as sand and gravel. However, this process resulted in low-quality beer. So, the PUB replaced the coarse materials with microorganisms and improved the filtering process. This resulted in a high-quality, light beer called “NewBlend.” NewBlend is a popular choice among Singaporeans because it is affordable and easy to drink.

The PUB continues to refine its filtering process and produce high-quality, filtered water for beer production. This innovative approach to producing beer using treated sewage water is a great example of how public institutions can work together to improve quality of life for residents.

The process of making NewBrew beer

The Singapore water supply agency, which produces NewBrew beer, gradually refined the water filtered from the sewage system and produced a high-quality, low-calorie beer.
The water was treated with ultraviolet light, ozone, and chlorine to remove harmful bacteria and other contaminants. The final product is light in color and has a slightly sweet taste.
NewBrew is available in various flavors, including Original, Blueberry, Peach, and Mango.

Why Singapore chose to produce NewBrew beer

Singapore’s decision to begin producing NewBrew beer was a result of careful consideration of the benefits of this type of product. First and foremost, NewBrew beer is affordable. It is also easy to transport and store, making it an ideal choice for markets where space is at a premium. Furthermore, NewBrew beers are not as dependent on water quality as other types of beer. This makes them less likely to be affected by fluctuations in water availability or quality.

What are the health benefits of NewBrew beer?

NewBrew beer is made using water filtered from the sewage system. It has been claimed that NewBrew beer contains high levels of antioxidants and other health benefits. Some people believe that NewBrew beer can help improve your mood and reduce anxiety.


Singapore’s water supply agency gradually refined the water filtered from the sewage system and produced NewBrew brand beer. The switch to using NewBrew instead of tap water began in 2013, as it was found that tap water had high levels of chlorine and other pollutants. By producing their own beer, Singapore is able to control the quality and taste of their alcoholic beverages while also reducing environmental impact.