International News

Tanzanian President Magufuli has said that a plane has been sent to the island nation of Madagascar to import traditional medicines that can cure the disease of COVID-19.

A Tanzanian President has pledged his support for a campaign to import traditional medicines that can cure the deadly COVID-19 virus. Magufuli made the announcement on Twitter, saying that a plane has been sent to Madagascar to bring in the medicines. The campaign is being spearheaded by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).

COVID-is a deadly virus that is affecting people all over the world

1. The deadly virus of COVID-has been affecting people all over the world, and Tanzanian President Magufuli has said that a plane has been sent to the island nation of Madagascar to import traditional medicines that can cure the disease.

2. COVID is a viral respiratory illness that causes severe respiratory symptoms, including pneumonia, fever, and chest pains. It can be fatal if not treated quickly.

3. There is no known cure for COVID-yet, but importing traditional medicines from Madagascar may help to bring relief to those who are suffering from it.

President Magufuli has said that a plane has been sent to the island nation of Madagascar to import traditional medicines that can cure the disease of COVID-19

President Magufuli has said that a plane has been sent to the island nation of Madagascar to import traditional medicines that can cure the disease of COVID-19.

The Tanzanian president made the comments while speaking at a health fair in Dar es Salaam on Sunday. He urged people to take precautions against the deadly virus and to seek medical help if they are affected by it.

Three people have died from COVID-19 in Tanzania since the start of the year, and President Magufuli has warned that the virus could spread rapidly if people do not take precautions.

He said that a team of experts had been sent to Madagascar to collect traditional medicines that could be used to treat the virus. The medicines will then be brought back to Tanzania for distribution to hospitals and clinics.

President Magufuli also said that schools should closed for two days next week so that parents can take their children for safety checks.

The medicines will be brought in by the WHO and will be distributed to hospitals throughout the country

The Tanzanian President, John Magufuli, has said that a plane has been sent to the island nation of Madagascar to import traditional medicines that can cure the disease of COVID- also known as Swine Flu.

The WHO has been working closely with the Tanzanian government to get these medicines into the country. They will be distributed to hospitals throughout the country so that patients can receive the best possible treatment.

This is a very important step in the fight against COVID- which has been spreading rapidly throughout Madagascar. Hopefully, these medicines will be able to help stop the spread of this disease and save many lives.

Patients who are infected with COVID-will be able to receive the medicine at no cost

Tanzanian President Magufuli has said that a plane has been sent to the island nation of Madagascar to import traditional medicines that can cure the disease of COVID-.

This is great news for patients who are infected with COVID-. They will be able to receive the medicine at no cost.

The medicine that will be imported is from Africa, which is where most cases of COVID occur. This is because Africa is home to many species of wild animals that are susceptible to the virus.

It is important that patients receive this medicine as soon as possible. The sooner it is available, the better chance patients have of recovering from COVID- infection.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that a plane has been sent to the island nation of Madagascar to import traditional medicines that can cure the disease of COVID-19.

COVID-19 is a highly infectious and deadly disease, and it is believed that there is no vaccine or cure for it. The WHO believes that these medicines could be a life-saving option for people in Madagascar who are affected by COVID-19.

This news comes as a relief to many people in Madagascar, who have been anxiously waiting for any possible help in curing this disease. It is hoped that these medicines will provide some relief to the thousands of people who are currently suffering from COVID-19.