
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) has been collecting as much of the world’s seeds as possible since 2008.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a seed bank located in Svalbard, Norway. It is the world’s second-largest seed bank with a capacity of about 8 million different types of seeds. The main purpose of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is to help preserve genetic diversity and help reduce the risk of global crop failures.

What is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault?

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) is a seed storage facility in Svalbard, Norway. It is the world’s largest repository of crop and ornamental seeds.

The SGSV was created in 1996 as a response to the threat of global climate change. The vault contains more than 1 million varieties of plants, including crops, fruit trees, and flowers. It is also a repository for gene banks that contain plant genetic resources.

The SGSV is a secure facility that is protected from natural disasters. It is also accessible to researchers from around the world.

How does the SGSV work?

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) is a seed repository that was established in 1992 to help preserve and protect the world’s crop diversity. The SGSV is located on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen.

The SGSV works like this: Whenever a country or organization requests a shipment of seeds, the SGSV coordinates with other seed repositories around the world to collect as many seeds as possible. Then, the SGSV sends these seeds to the requested location. This way, the SGSV is able to collect a large variety of different types of seeds from all over the world.

The SGSV is important because it helps to protect the world’s crop diversity. This diversity is important because it helps to ensure that crops can be grown in different parts of the world. Without a wide variety of crops, it might be difficult to find food in times of crisis.

The SGSV is also important because it helps to preserve traditional farming practices. Many people in rural areas depend on traditional farming techniques for their livelihoods. If these techniques were to disappear, they would have no way to survive.

Thanks to the SGSV, these practices will be

What Seeds are stored at the SGSV?

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) is a repository for the world’s most important agricultural seeds. It was founded in 2008 and is located on an island in the Arctic Ocean. The SGSV is one of the largest seed banks in the world, and it stores more than 2 million varieties of plants.

The SGSV is important because it helps to protect the world’s food supply. If a natural disaster happens, or there is a pandemic, the SGSV can help to restore crops around the world. It also helps to ensure that the world’s food will be available in times of crisis.

The SGSV is made up of several large storage facilities. Each facility has a capacity of about 1 million tonnes of seeds. The SGSV also has a laboratory that tests new varieties of seeds before they are stored at the vault.

The SGSV is a very important resource for the world’s farmers, and it will continue to be an important tool for protecting the world’s food supply in the future.

What are the benefits of storing seeds in the SGSV?

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) is a secure repository that stores the world’s most important seeds. The benefits of storing seeds in the SGSV are manifold.

First and foremost, the SGSV is a safe place where seeds can be stored without fear of contamination or loss. Seeds collected from all over the world are stored in the SGSV, which makes it a valuable resource for food security. In addition, the SGSV is an insurance policy against future crop failures.

The SGSV also plays an important role in gene banking. This is the process of preserving and protecting genetic material from crops so that it can be used in the future. By storing genetic material in the SGSV, scientists can study and improve crop strains without risking them to destruction.

Lastly, the SGSV is a valuable resource for breeding new varieties of plants. By crossbreeding different strains of plants, scientists can create new varieties that are better suited to specific climates or soil types. This process is critical for developing more resilient crops that can withstand challenges such as climate change.

Who is responsible for keeping the seeds safe at the SGSV?

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) is a repository for the world’s most important seeds. It was created by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) in cooperation with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The SGSV is located in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. The vault was built to protect the world’s seed supply from natural disasters and human error. It has been collecting as much of the world’s seeds as possible since it opened in 2008.

The SGSV is a secure facility that is protected by armed guards. The vault is also equipped with surveillance systems that monitor all aspects of the facility. In addition, the vault has backup systems in case of emergencies.

The SGSV is an important resource for food security and agriculture experts around the world. It ensures that important global crops are safe and available for future generations.


The Svalbard Global Seed Vault has been collecting as much of the world’s seeds as possible since 2008. The vault is situated in an isolated location on the island of Spitsbergen, Norway, and is designed to help safeguard humanity’s seed diversity in the event of a global catastrophe or other unforeseen event. As of September 2017, the SGSV contained 2,040,000 cubic meters (70 million bushels) of seeds from more than 120 countries.