International News

US President Donald Trump has announced that Sarah Sanders will resign as White House press secretary.

Sarah Sanders had been the press secretary for Donald Trump since May 2017, and she had been a key figure in the Trump administration’s messaging strategy. She is being replaced by deputy press secretary Raj Shah.


On July 26, 2018, Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced that she would be resigning as the White House press secretary. Sanders made the announcement during a press conference with President Donald Trump. Sanders had been in the position since May 2017. She had previously served as Deputy Press Secretary and Communications Director for the Trump campaign.

In a statement released by the White House, Sanders said that she was grateful for her time in the role and was looking forward to moving on to other opportunities. “President Donald J. Trump values loyalty and integrity above all else and I have always tried to bring those two traits to my work here at the White House,” she added.

Sanders has come under fire in recent months for her responses to questions from reporters. In particular, she has come under fire for her response to a question about former FBI director James Comey’s firing. In that exchange, Sanders told reporters that Trump had fired Comey because of his handling of the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. However, later reports indicated that Trump may have fired Comey due to concerns about his investigations into possible collusion between Russia and members of Trump’s campaign team.

Trump Announces Sarah Sanders Resignation

Donald Trump has announced that Sarah Sanders will resign as White House press secretary. Sanders had been with the Trump administration since 2017, and she has been one of the president’s most visible spokespeople. She will be replaced by John Kelly.

Reaction to the Announcement

The announcement that Sarah Sanders will resign as White House press secretary came as a surprise to many, with many people taking to social media to express their thoughts on the matter. Here are some of the most notable reactions:

-Many people are applauding Trump for his decision, citing Sanders’ lack of qualifications for the position and her tendency to spar with reporters as reasons why she should step down.

-Others argue that Sanders has been unfairly targeted by the media and that she has done a good job representing Trump’s administration.

-Some observers speculate that this is a move designed to undermine the influence of press secretary Sean Spicer, who has been more popular with reporters than Sanders.

Sanders future plans

Sarah Sanders announced today that she will resign as White House press secretary. In a statement, the president said that he is “grateful for her service” and that he wishes her all the best in future endeavors. Sanders began her tenure as press secretary in January 2017 and has been one of the most visible members of the Trump administration. She is expected to leave at the end of this month.