International News

Wildlife conservationists were able to save a baby elephant that fell into a deep ditch in Thailand.

Sometime in the early hours of Saturday morning, January 26th, a team of wildlife conservationists located an elephant that had fallen into a deep ditch in the Ping River Valley in Thailand. Acting quickly and decisively, the team was able to save the elephant – but not before it sustained critical injuries.

Now, a few weeks later, the elephant is recovering at the Phuket Elephant Conservation Center and has made a remarkable recovery thanks to the dedicated team of professionals working around the clock to care for her. This story is just one example of how wildlife conservationists are using cutting-edge technology to save animals in need.

The Elephant Falls

Wildlife conservationists were able to save a baby elephant that fell into a deep ditch in Thailand. The group was able to get the elephant out of the ditch and onto a truck where they were able to take it to a safe place.

The Rescue

Wildlife conservationists were able to save a baby elephant that fell into a deep ditch in Thailand. The team was able to quickly rescue the calf and bring it to safety. The elephant is now being cared for at a sanctuary and is expected to make a full recovery.

The Positive Results

The wildlife conservationists were able to save a baby elephant that fell into a deep ditch in Thailand. The baby elephant was stuck in the ditch for hours before the rescue team was able to free her. The team was able to bring the baby elephant to safety and she is now healthy and safe.

What Wildlife Conservationists Do

Wildlife conservationists are responsible for saving elephants and other animals from danger. In this particular case, a baby elephant fell into a deep ditch in Thailand, prompting the intervention of the wildlife conservationists. After rescuing the baby elephant, they were able to take it to a safe location where it can be cared for and maintained.

How to Help Wildlife Conservationists

If you’re looking for ways to help wildlife conservationists, there are plenty of ways to get involved. Here are four easy ways:

1. Donate money. Wildlife conservation is a very expensive undertaking, and donations from individuals and organizations help make a huge impact. If you can’t give money, at least donate goods and services that can be used in the field, like equipment or expertise.

2. Spread the word. Share news stories about wildlife conservation efforts on social media and elsewhere, to help raise awareness and support for the work being done.

3. Volunteer your time. Whether you’re able to offer your services as a technician or field worker, volunteering your time is an incredibly valuable way to contribute to wildlife conservation efforts. And it doesn’t have to be anything big – even just a few hours a month can make a big difference.

4. Become a supporter of wildlife conservation organizations. There are many great organizations doing incredible work to protect our planet’s wildlife – whether it’s WWF, Earthwatch, or another organization that focuses on specific areas of conservation. Supporting these organizations will help ensure that their work continues indefinitely.


Wildlife conservationists were able to save a baby elephant that fell into a deep ditch in Thailand. The team of rescuers was able to get the elephant out using ropes and poles after it had been trapped for more than two hours. The elephant is expected to make a full recovery, although it will likely be traumatized by its experience.